Take Action Now to Support People with Disabilities in Maryland
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Governor Moore’s budget released on January 14th included significant cuts to the budget for the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA). The budget included cuts for DDA funding for both FY2025 and FY2026. In FY2025 the overall impact would be a reduction of $194 million and in FY2026 a reduction of $470 million, representing a 22% overall cut the developmental disability community supports in FY2026.
Over 18,000 Marylanders with developmental disabilities depend on services provided through DDA Medicaid waivers. These services are crucial for people to access healthcare and support, allowing their families to maintain employment and economic stability.
The ongoing direct support professional (DSP) workforce crisis already poses a significant barrier to providing necessary services. Without adequate funding and support for DSPs, service providers will struggle to meet the needs of Marylanders with developmental disabilities.
Bottom Line: The proposed cuts in the Maryland budget threaten the provision of vital services for people with disabilities and their families. We need you to take action now to protect these vital services for people with disabilities in Maryland.
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